Carolyn Becker poses for a photo with some colleagues and former students
卡罗琳·贝克尔获得国家劳伦斯奖. 科恩杰出导师奖
澳门金沙线上赌博官网 psychology professor becomes first faculty from a liberal arts college to receive this distinction

卡洛琳·贝克尔博士.D., decided to leave the ivy-covered establishments where she trained to join the faculty at 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏, 她被贴上了叛徒的标签. 那是25年前的事了.

“当我选择来澳门金沙线上赌博官网的时候, most people in my area of clinical psychology who had mentored me thought my decision just didn't make any sense. I was set up to be faculty at a research institution or a medical school in the Northeast and write grants all day,贝克尔笑着说。. “But I knew I loved undergraduate teaching, and I wanted to focus on it.” 

She came to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 in 1999 as the only clinical psychologist in the 心理学系. Having obtained her bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology/anthropology at Swarthmore College, she was thrilled to be back in the liberal arts environment. “I love playing with ideas, questioning the status quo, and going down rabbit holes in my field. 所有这些都最好在文理学院完成. 在这里我有更多的自由.”

Becker’s research has resulted in numerous publications focused on body image and eating disorders. She attributes many of her biggest career successes to her students. “I often go to my students and say, ‘I have this idea, but it's unformed. 看看我们能做些什么.’然后我们一起工作,一起运行. 他们只是有很棒的想法.”

Her philosophy on education and mentorship has always been to view her students as junior collaborators. “I think that makes the transition to later stages of mentorship easier because I'm already working with them at a high level and believe they can do a lot,她说。. 学生经常是她出版物的作者.

Becker’s immense impact as a mentor motivated three of her former students to nominate her for the 劳伦斯H. 科恩杰出导师奖, granted by the Society for a Science of Clinical 心理学 (SSCP). 她是第一个不在R1机构工作的获奖者, a title given to premier research institutions with a set value of their budget put toward research expenditures.

自从来到澳门金沙线上赌博官网, Becker has supported more than 55 students in obtaining acceptance to accredited clinical psychology Ph.D. 项目. 获得博士学位的途径.D. in clinical psychology is arduous, with very low acceptance rates. “The vast majority of students have to do full-time research after they earn their B.A. 或B.S. before applying to graduate school to be competitive,” Becker says. “That means that while they certainly will have support at their post-bacs, many of them still come back for extensive mentorship in the graduate application process.经过学士后的研究和研究生学习, clinical psychology students also complete a pre-doctoral internship, 这一年主要用于临床培训, 大多数人还将完成博士后培训.

It is important to Becker to remain in contact with her students throughout this long process. “I may be the one who they're talking to about the pros and cons of different 项目. I may be taking them around at conferences and introducing them to people to get into internships or making connections for postdocs, 或者之后提供推荐信申请助学金.” Many of her students who have completed their training still call her for professional guidance. “I basically say to all of our students, ‘We're here for you forever. Ricochet back to us as much as you need to if you feel we can be helpful.’”

莎乐美·威尔弗雷德,14岁, 一个提名者, explained that it was Becker’s initial belief in her as a student that set her apart as a mentor. “During my first meeting with Carolyn, we talked about everything. 她对我的直接投资是不熟悉的. Carolyn was the first educator who genuinely believed in me.现在她正在努力完成她的博士学位.D. at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Wilfred still values Becker’s influence. “她的指导是我想在学术界工作的原因. I experienced firsthand the difference a teacher can make in your life.”

Becker has been recognized before for her outstanding mentorship. 她收到了 2017年获派珀教授奖 for her dedication to the profession of teaching in the state of Texas. 2012年,她被授予 Dr. 和夫人. Z.T. 斯科特学院奖学金澳门金沙线上赌博官网卓越的教学和辅导工作.

不过,她承认劳伦斯. 科恩奖, 由她所在领域的同辈人授予, meant something different to her: “It was a certain kind of validation that a ceiling had been broken,她说。. “It acknowledges that liberal arts college professors play an important role in the advancement of our field and in creating future clinical psychological scientists, 即使是在德克萨斯州的一所小大学里.”  

The above photo shows Carolyn Becker with a few of her colleagues and former 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students. 

Back row from right to left: Mason Fraser '24; 卡洛琳·贝克尔博士.D.; Lisa Smith Kilpela '04, Ph.D. (faculty at UT Health 圣安东尼奥); Anna Ciao '04, Ph.D. (faculty at Western Washington University); Nancy Liu '04, Ph.D. (加州大学伯克利分校教职工).

前排从左到右:阿曼尼·皮尔斯(Amani Piers) 14届博士.D. (psychologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia); Savannah Hooper '21 (Ph.D. student at the University of Louisville); Salome Wilfred '14 (predoctoral intern at the University of NC); 比尔·埃里森博士.D. (faculty at 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏); Clara Johnson '16 (Ph.D. 华盛顿大学的学生). 

20岁的阿比盖尔·丹尼克 helped tell 澳门金沙线上赌博官网's story as a writing intern for Strategic Communications and Marketing.
