Gaya Rajamony (center) speaks in class while her classmates around her work on laptops
Gayatri “Gaya” Rajamony ’25 explores the ethics 和 legality behind AI-generated art

有抱负的律师, Gayatri “Gaya” Rajamony ’25 is researching a hot topic for her senior thesis, one that corresponds well with her post-graduation pursuits: the legal 和 ethical ramifications of art generated by artificial intelligence (AI). But what makes Rajamony’s project unique is that she is studying it as someone who deeply underst和s how that art is generated in the first place. A 计算机科学 主要和 政治科学 minor, Rajamony spent last summer researching the technology behind AI-generated art through a 本科生暑期研究奖学金(SURF); it was only natural to exp和 her work into law 和 ethics.

“I've always been interested in the intersection between 计算机科学 和 law—it's part of why I decided to come to a liberal arts college—so picking [my senior thesis] topic was fairly simple for me,拉贾蒙尼说.

An Austin native, Rajamony is also combining these interests in her extracurriculars. She is a member of the 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 Women in Computing organization 和 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Mock Trial, 学生诚信小组的主持人, 也是一名本科生研究员 人工智能实验室 of 沟通 教授 Althea Delwiche博士.D. 该实验室正在研究媒体对人工智能的报道.


You did a 本科生暑期研究奖学金(SURF) about artificial intelligence, 现在这是你毕业论文的基础. 告诉我们更多! 

和我一起工作的人 [Caruth Distinguished Professor of 计算机科学] Dr. 保罗•迈尔斯 last summer researching the technology that powers AI art generators 和 how that technology intersects with the ethical 和 legal issues surrounding AI art. My summer project was very exploratory, which only made me more interested in the topic. 在思考了一会儿之后. Myers 和 I decided it would be a good idea to turn it into my honors thesis. Right now, I'm in thesis reading, which is pretty explanatory. 我希望我的期末论文是探索性的, 也, but I want to focus more on the effects of generated art 和 biases within training sets.


第一个, 我打算上法学院, so it never hurts to get invested in the legal implications of new technology. I've always been interested in the intersection between 计算机科学 和 law—it's part of why I decided to come to a liberal arts college—so picking the topic was fairly simple for me. Second, it's kind of hard to miss mentions of AI art on the internet nowadays. 或者一般的人工智能. When I was prepping for my SURF project, I thought the legality of AI art was a relevant topic.

You're majoring in 计算机科学 和 minoring in 政治科学. Why were you drawn to the intersection of those two areas?

I've always been interested in a career in the legal field. I actually came to 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 as a math major, intending to graduate 和 go to law school. 我计划的第二部分没有改变, 但是在上了几门计算机科学课程之后, 我意识到我也喜欢那个领域. I've always been well-versed in 计算机科学; I 太k classes in high school 和 spent at least three summer camps coding (inside, 感谢上帝). 来到澳门金沙线上赌博官网之后, 我意识到我可能对两者都感兴趣, 甚至更好的, 你的职业是两者兼而有之吗.

How do you see your research working with your areas of interest in 计算机科学 和 政治科学?

I think it's very relevant in the 计算机科学 和 政治科学 fields. I'm specifically examining the impact of AI art on copyright law with the knowledge of how AI art generation actually works. One thing I realized when doing my research this past semester 和 over the summer is how complicated, 摘要, 和, 诚实, 这个过程并不直观. It doesn't seem like a lot of the people working on creating policy or in the legal field are fully versed in the technology, 从长远来看,这可能是危险的.


I first heard about 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 from an older friend of mine who'd applied. 我想找一所小一点的文理学院, 她一直在, 太, 所以我以她的申请名单为出发点. I started looking at colleges early, at least the ones in Texas. When I was a sophomore, I was lucky enough to go on a tour here. 我说幸运, because 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 was one of the few schools I actually got to see in person because of COVID. I remember being surprised by how many trees there were, especially by the residence halls. I liked how green it was 和 how proud my tour guide sounded when she talked about 澳门金沙线上赌博官网. Weeks later, I got a postcard from her, thanking me for coming to visit. My family 和 I spent probably around an hour trying to figure out if it was h和written or just a really convincing font. 剧透:这绝对是手写的. Out of the few schools I toured, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 seemed like the best fit for me. 诚实, even before I received my 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Tower scholarship (which made my decision very easy, 公平地说), 我以为澳门金沙线上赌博官网能让我茁壮成长.

Molly Bruni is a freelance writer 和 editor 和 the current editor of 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 杂志. 你可以在
